We believe that you are capable of truly deep Connection. Underneath all divides, such as race, sex, politics, age, class and religion, lies a way to true Connection. But standing in your way are many natural polarizations and oppositions, which create deep divides in you and in the people around you.
We believe that you have your own journey of faith with whatever you see as your own higher power. We believe that you can Connect more deeply with your higher power, whether that is a deity, an ancestor, some collective presence or the light of science. We believe that your spiritual beliefs should be reconciled with science and reality.
We believe there to be 12 Gateways, if you want to find a way to reach deeper Connection with your higher power, with others and with yourself. We believe there to be ceremonies, personal processes and disciplines that open more Gateways to you. We believe that you have a primary Gateway to Connection with life. This is your starting point. And for reaching the fullness Connection, we believe that you can eventually open all the 12 Gateways. We believe that you are equal to everyone else.
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Connection Gateways
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